THA160-432LL Статическая насадка для смешивания клея AB


Интерфейс: Штык
Аппликатор: Подходит для стандартной дозирующей иглы.
Применимый диапазон: AB cartridge with MC mixing nozzle interface


The THA160-432LL static mixing nozzle is designed for needle mounting. AB adhesives typically consist of two components, Part A and Part B, which need to be mixed together in precise proportions to activate the adhesive properties. Dispense and mix AB adhesive to hold the dispensing tip securely in place during application on the static mix nozzle.

Наружный диаметр: 7.62мм
Внутренний диаметр: 4.8мм
Общая длина: 165мм
Sections Number:32

Outer Inner Diameter:1.78мм

These types of mixing nozzles are commonly used in a variety of industries, including automotive, aerospace, construction, and electronics, for applications such as bonding, запечатывание, and potting.


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